Top 10 books for architects to befriend!
Research, thought & theory are the three most crucial aspects of architecture. Whether you are an architect or an architectural student, books are the finest medium to structure your thinking and design sensibilities. Architectural books offer a valuable insight to design theories, concepts as well as stories about buildings and the lives of architects, thus inspiring young architects. There are innumerable books for architecture design that not only act as references for design but also have the power to shape up your design thinking methodologies to a great extent.
Here’s a compiled list of the top 10 great titles of the best architecture books, in no particular order. This list is exactly what you need to add more value to your bookshelf as well as your thought process. Let us check this out:
1. Form, Space, and Order
Author: Francis D.K. Ching

This is one most important books for architecture design that all architects would have gone through in their college life. Highly recommended by the architectural fraternity, there are no second thoughts to putting this book on the top of this list. This book gives us a basic insight into the advanced architectural vocabulary. It is the ‘go-to’ in the architecture realm for over 40 years. It also helps to have a clear understanding of proportion and scale. Moreover, the writings and illustrations demonstrate the symbiotic relationships between fundamental elements of architecture in relation to different ages and cultures.
To experience the magic of this book, you can buy it online
2. Letters to A Young Architect
Author- Cristopher Charles Benninger`

‘Letters to A Young Architect’ is among the best books architects must read. It is a sensitive memoir of Architect Christopher Benninger’s life in India. It puts out Benninger’s personal views in regard to architectural theory as well as other urban issues in India. This book in the form of articles and essays has put forward a strong message for architects and architectural aspirants. This helps readers understand what nurtured Benninger’s design and philosophical consideration. It also highlights his interactions with mentors that are referred to as ‘gurus’ in the book, and how their passion shaped up beginner’s interests in architecture.
Click here to unravel the exciting and thoughtful journey of Cristopher Charles Benninger.
3. The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings
Author: Marc Kushner

This book by Marc Kushner is among the top books by architects that highlight pathbreaking designs of buildings that showcase what lies in the future of the architectural industry. This is an interesting read that will take you through endless possibilities and innovations in architecture.
A paper-made pavilion, a building that absorbs smog, and a concert hall that is inflatable! quite futuristic, isn’t it? this book marks a new age in architecture and puts forward the idea that buildings can do much more than just providing shelter. This book, through various stories of futuristic architecture, also inculcates the thought process that buildings can help balance nature and serve the community.
To explore the fun element of these 100 important buildings, The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings is available on Amazon.
4. Athmospheres
Author: Peter Zumthor

Atmospheres by Peter Zumthor is a collection of his inspiration sources. This is one of the most important books architects must read in order to understand the importance of different surroundings in architecture. It also highlights the formation of “Athmospheres’ to create a conducive space for the good of the people (users). This book is also referred to as poetics in architecture and presents the content in the form of self observational processes. Zumthor narrates his thoughts while he creates the atmosphere for his buildings. Moreover, right from the design composition, the materiality to the handling of proportions, to the play of light and shadow, this book explains it all. Zumthor in this book also stated that the feeling of presence, user well-being, social harmony, etc are the factors that influence the atmosphere in a building.
You can get your copy of Atmospheres on Amazon, click here!
5. ArchiDoodle
Author: Steve Bowkett

ArchiDoodle is one of the fun and interactive books for architects that help them understand the design process in a better way. This book is compiled with a range of elegant drawings, doodles, and also illustrations. Moreover, it helps the user to understand various architectural challenges from designing a highrise to a house on an island.
The book is aimed at anyone and everyone interested in buildings. It also boosts imagination to deliver innovative solutions through sketching, drawing, and painting. This in a way helps users to identify important architectural aspects such as site context, materiality, space planning, and how to read architectural drawings. Therefore, this is one of its kind that promotes learning about architecture in a fun way!
To have fun with ArchiDoodle, you can buy it online
6. Experiencing Architecture
Author: Eiler Rasmussen

This book by Eiler Rasmussen is considered a classic in the architectural realm. It helps readers explore architectural history and learn the way of good design. These types of books by architects help readers to view and appreciate architecture not just as a profession but as an experience! An experience of art that forms a part of our everyday life and interactions with the built environment. Eiler states that we cannot go back in time. However, we can still resort to using the design ideologies and narratives of the past to design thoughtful spaces in the present. He believes that architectural maturity is developed not only through professional experience but also from shared thoughts and feelings in real-time, particularly through- light, color, shape, scale, texture, rhythm, and sound that we experience in everyday spaces.
Explore more about experiencing architecture, buy your copy now!
7. Psychology for Architects
Author: David V.Canter

One of the best architecture books, Psychology for Architects talks about how users interact with space and also their responses to architecture and buildings. This is indeed a pathbreaking book because it made way for the author to establish the genre of architectural psychology. The best part of this book is that it gives architects a chance to understand and explore how psychology works and why is it important to take note of human /user psychology while designing spaces. Moreover, the connection of the narratives with the philosophies related to humans, the natural environment, and the built environment enhances the overall experience of this book.
Click here to explore the psychology in architecture.
8. The Language of Architecture: 26 Principles every Architect should know
Authors: Andrea Simitch, Val Warke

To master architectural design, one needs to first get a perfect hold of the architectural vocabulary, the basic building methods, functions, usage of materials, and techniques. Therefore, to have a deeper insight into all these aspects, “The language of Architecture” is a must read books for architects. It provides professionals as well as students with twenty-six chapters that easily comprehend the principles of architectural design. Moreover, the visuals used helps one to have an overview of how these elements of design can add value to various design disciplines. This is not just a book, it is also a comprehensive learning tool for architects.
Check this out, to have your copy now!
9. In Praise of Shadows
Author: Junichiro Tanizaki

This is one of those books for architects to read on a laid-back evening, sitting by the window. This puts forward the intimate relation between Japanese art and architecture, also described as one of the ‘enchanting’ reads. The author here focuses on various subjects like architecture, jade, food, thus combining them into the art of spaces. There are also some innate descriptions of play of shadow, visuals in the dim candlelight. ‘In Praise of Shadows’ is thus a classic collision of shadows and illuminating lights of traditional as well as modern Japanese interiors.
Immerse yourself in this beautiful narration, click here!
10. The Seven Lamps of Architecture
Author: John Ruskin

“Know what you have to do and do it”. This is a famous quote by the author John Ruskin and it also pretty much sums up the whole book. Moreover, this is one of those books for architects that describes the important aspects of architecture through analogy. The 7 characteristics in architecture here have been described as 7 lamps. These “lamps” have been described as the lamps of Sacrifice, Truth, Power, Beauty, Life, Memory, and Obedience. The comparison between the Gothic style and the Medival age architecture coupled with historic reasoning is what makes this book an interesting read.